06 December 2012
Goodbye papers, goodbye books, goodbye endless nights.
Goodbye…. School.
My SPM is over. 95’s kids are having their merdeka’s day already. Today is the last day of SPM. And I sat for my last paper today. Ekonomi Asas! Don’t ever ask me about EA! You better ask me how I feel now! Marks the end of my school life today. My exam finished at 4pm. I heard somebody shout at the balcony “Merdeka. Merdeka” and i saw somebody dance in the balcony. Sape lah tu. Haha cute! Too bad, we’re the only 95’s today! “Merdeka” ni rasa macam ketinggalan giler tau. Kihkih. But it’s okay. It feels soooo damn good! Don’t only thing scare us now is our result. Let’s tawakal.
29 November 2012

In case you're wondering, I'm doing fine right here, at this very moment, at this time. I can’t wait for 5 and 6 December. Lets welcoming “freedom” in my life. To those who have finished their payyyper, congrats! I mean, congrats you’ve finally break a wall in your life. Don’t check you answers *tips*, don’t regret for what you’ve done. Remember you have done your best and let Allah do the rest. I pray for the best result for me and of course, beloved 95’s mates.
I have a seven-day break before my last exams on the 6th of December, and that is like the longest break, so I can take one day off to do something not for my exams. Yes, blogging. This study break killing me cause I don’t have the guts do do anything. I mean, my efforts to study Is so bad y’know. I’m tired of being a lazy bum! Ya Allah. Your spm isn’t over yet you know?! You haven’t done your war yet you know?! You haven’t complete your stage 1 in your life yet you know?! REALIZE THAAAAT! :(
I'm here, lying awake. Bye.
13 November 2012
SPM/Examination break
I’m currently having my study week. It’s actually a break for Deepavali but let’s just say it’s our study week! I’m not using my time very wisely to study for my two exams next week tho. Haiz anybody pls slap me on my face pls. “Procrastination”. This attitude of mine is hard to get rid of. Yes, since I was a child. Hell yes I’ve been reminded for countless time to finish up everything early and on time but I always ending up getting my work done at the very last minute. I’m sure some of you guys too right? Well that is not a problem for me. As long as there is still time for me to do so.
So my first zombie week had ended last week! 4 subjects in a row killing me so badly. B.Melayu and English was just fine although I’m not having enough time to do my essay. History……. Uhm. Mathematics was just fine too. I can’t believe that I can focus and answer all the questions and finished on time! Is it a good sign for me? InshaAllah. After this holidays ends, I’m going to face 5 more papers. Which is Agama Islam, Science, Perdagangan, Economic and Sport Science. Economic on 6th December. 6 December is the last day of SPM. While everybody are happy and I’m still sitting for economic subject on the last day. Muahahaha how it feels eh?
But then………
I’m free :D
I saw many form 5 schoolmates posted statuses and tweets about leaving school. Guess they’re so excited to finish their school and SPM. I questioned myself about this. Am I ready or not? Am I ready to leave my school, my school uniform, my heavy bag? A part of me wants to graduate so badly, another part of me thinks that memories in high school are the sweetest and I can’t leave everything. Never mind
P/s: Happy Dewali to all Indians! So yesterday I saw many of us mad as hell about the sound of the fireworks, ‘Mercun’ and everything. Can you pls accepting other cultures and not being a racist? They’re celebrating it on their special day. While us bulan puasa sebulan pun sebulan memekak. When it comes to Deepavali it’s forbidden? C’mon la.
16 October 2012
SPM is indeed in 20 more days. Is it true? Less or more than that? I just knew that from twitter. Am I look like someone who doesn’t even care about the real exam? I don’t exactly count the days. One word, fear. I’ve done with my trial and I’ve already got my result. Don’t ask me what I get, how’s my mathematics, and my grades or else I’ll kill you guys now. Suddenly remember about somebody. He says *kantoi gak lelaki :p* “Kalau markah bagus tu cepat je bagi tau. Kalau tak bagus tu bukan main diam membisu” This is funny. Real funny. Hahahahahaha SOOO MEEE.
One moment we realize that we have one week and a half of no school. This’s the chance for us to use our time since spm is getting so near. Minutes by minutes we’ll reach to 5 November. This is stressing me out. I don’t want to mention this date but it keeps lingering on my head. ‘Not ready yet’ Are you kidding me? Forever will be ‘not ready’ but until when this ‘not ready’ keep haunting you. Imagine if we’re sitting for SPM tomorrow…… Still not ready? Shoot your head and die in the hall.
Tomorrow is a school day. How time flies. One week and a half of no school, and the next thing I realize now is tomorrow is a school day back. This laziness and boredom strike me again. Syaitan banyak betul keliling ni. As we’re getting near and ready to something big, the more this laziness striking us. Even if I’m not ready, now I have to be ready. I hope I do. InshaAllah. Allah will be with us.
I am now waiting for the High School Graduation Day this Saturday. I could hear everyone talking about this Saturday. Hot topic. You guys are so pretty excited to graduate from high school. This 20th October, will be our last gathering. It seemed like yesterday I started my high school and tried looking for classes. Asking someone for help with my dad. Memories. I will miss you guys, start from now.
P/s: I hate wishes. I hate “Goodluck and All the Best”. You give my goosebumps. Whatever it is, goodluck to you guys who are taking final year exams, SPM is coming way too soon. Goodluck and beat the rest.
Kill all the lazy worms! Chaiyok ^^
08 September 2012
Trial SPM
The title says it all. I’ve never been so happy and glad that the weekend is finally here. Maybe I know I have to do some revision for the examinations. I had and am still having my SPM trials since 28th August until the 20th of September. Almost a month! Gonna die a bit. But there’s a gap. Everybody gave me goosebumps by saying ‘GoodLuck for you trial’. Not so happy but thankyou. I only had 2 subjects for the first week of trial and another 3 on last week. Next week I’m going to kill myself with 4 subjects in a row. There’s no gap between those subjects. How to smile with that? :/ I wish my school would bring the famous yet intelligent motivator Dr.Shukri just like when I was in Form 3. He knows what you need. Really. You’ll in love with his words just in a second.
I don’t think I did well on my papers. Not enough. Especially on my maths paper. You know how much I hate numbers right? Well, not going to be pessimist. Even if I had an instinct that I’m gonna fail but I still tried to be optimist. Allah know whats best for me. Doa, usaha, tawakal. September is a hectic month! Actually, there was literally no time to sit down and rest before your trials end. I’m not following the rules what. This month is a hectic and challenging month also. Open houses everywhere *stupid reason to say. Kill me*. After you’ve finished doing your paper, you’ll start worrying the day after tomorrow. I haven’t even told you the best thing out of all of this yet. Haha cause it just hard!
I got thinking randomly that we have only 3 months left for school. Actually we have only two months. Another month we will spent our time sitting for SPM. I’m leaving my school soon, I’m leaving my parents soon, I’m leaving my home soon. Maybe
Time fly by so quickly. This tears of joy, this tears of memories. When we can unite like the photos below again……. We really had great times together. Rain or shine, day or night, through thick and thin. Gaduh semua pun dah penah rasa. I can’t help but smile when I reminisce our old memories since last year. Haha what a memories! Thankyou classmate *smiles*.
Open house 2012 :)
16 August 2012
Blessing of Allah / Eid Mubarak
03 August 2012
15th of Ramadhan
Day 15 of Ramadhan. We’re in the middle of Ramadhan now! 15 more days to go to Syawal. Let’s improve ourself. I just can’t believe that we’re in the middle of this holy month. Rasa semalam baru start fasting and now we’re in the middle of it. So far, my syawal’s preparation not so great as yours. A pair of baju kurung and.. Oh just that I guess. Not complete yet. Gonna buy soon before raya. Be simple ya 95’s. You guys know what we’re going to face after raya. TRIAL.
So lastnight I just told my mom I wanted to go to PLKN. Her reaction before when I told her, she just said ‘No tak boleh. Ayah tak bagi’ with a soft sound. Yerr just that. And lastnight when I told her about this again, with a loud sound ‘Tak payah la. Ayah tak bagi. Kang last minute cancel apa semua tak dapat’. Woww siap ulang lagi ayat tu. I don’t know what to say anymore. I really want to go. Nanti mohon senyap senyap lah baru okay. BYE! *Facepalm* T.T
31 July 2012
I sat staring at this white screen for the longest of time
Not knowing what to write with this kind of emotions
Rebelled, yelled and so many ED ED ED at the back.
Trying to figure out how to this describe this kind of sorrow I just felt and saw
Hearing the sound of the echoes
Oh I am better. Better than 30 minutes ago
What happened in a couple of minutes ago?
No one’s gonna calm me and I guess no one’s gonna read this but I don’t care
Just now triggered with one text message
Argh hate this feeling :(
You reminds me of our quarreled, when it was us way back
So childish yet so sweet.
Things has changed, tremendously
We’re moving on to another place now
I have forgotten what happiness feels like now
Jangan bagi bunyi cengkering ni selubungi bilik yg syahdu ni
Don’t do this. Please remember your promises
You have a heart to take care of. Siapakah?
Haha think of your own.
Now that was slightly startling.
You don’t even say a sorry or even asking for forgiveness
Wherever you are now,
I wish you have a great night today
Toddles xx :’)
30 July 2012
Hoping for the moments in the present can be good too.
Y’know how much I’m scared losing you guys?
I hate losing peoples I love.
I don’t know if you ever felt this too but I am.
A strange yet beautiful kind of lingering past.
Always lingered heavily
Now imagine and describing our future
We are all going to find our own ways someday. I believe that!
Now… imagine the puzzles has lose one of their parts.
Not complete at all.
Some things were meant to be
Y’know, most of the songs I sang is all about you guys
Go understand the lyrics, not just understand the melody
Haha *mendee entah saya merepek ni*
But I’m just sad.
Some things are unraveling without the same people in the picture.
I think now I get to watch my future without you guys in it
And be happy for
Not knowing what to say anymore
"Sebab dulu aku benci, sekarang aku sayang"
TIA #305
Welcome August. Independent day, Raya day, trial examination week and so on. Hoping August can be better than any other month. -Always for the better, for the longest of time. I'm just heading home from school now. Suddenly get into my room changing my uniform and run to my sister's bed and online. What the hell is just happening now?! The usually thing i did when i went back is, changing my uniform and laying on my bed. I am now scrolling my blog. The blank white 'composing box' now starting to shine and glare, you see that?
I stared and stared and stared at the blindingly white screen, just not knowing what to say. Loads of ideas.
Remember how we started?
Oh how these guy happened to run through my heart a couple of years ago. I was like ‘oh okay’ I guessed this guy has loads of advantage in him which I no longer yet discover. Muahaha.
We fight a lot than you guys know, we cried a lot more than you guys now, we… loved a lot. More and more than everybody know. It’s all about how we fought, how we cried, how we loved and how we laughed like there’s no tomorrow for us. Are you wondering who am I talking about? Pls guess of your own :p It has been almost 2 years since we started a ‘hello’ before everything has been said and done till today. Not gonna tell this much. I hate telling and sharing about the love-life but I’d love hearing other stories about their love-life. Heh I don’t know why.
I love you
Very much.
Can you see my ticker on the left?
Be brave ya? :’)
Apology means more when we were all still kids
Agree? This title is about a friendship. We know how to built a friendship with friends since we were young. To say the truth now is… I suddenly had a moment just now. Where a bunch of memories just flashed right before my eyes. We all do have a friend. Who doesn’t right? What I’m gonna talk now is about FRIENDSHIP and ‘APOLOGY’. Everybody knows what friendship really mean to them and what is ‘sorry’ or better be called as forgiveness really mean to them.
Just in a 1 minute now, go back to your childhood! Reminisce your best day with friends in a playground. We once had a fight with them for the first time in our life. All the drama we had was only about ‘taknak kawan’ and the next day we both gonna give out the hand and say sorry. ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that’, ‘it’s my fault. Lets play together’. Isn’t that cute? No talking behind, no teasing. Sorry was only a small matter for us.
Now go back to this era. We’re all grown up. What happened with our friendship now? Yes. We do love each others so much, we appreciates them more than they know. Sooner or later we gonna have a fight. Personally, thinks about what you just did with friends when you’re mad. Smile in front of them and talking bad behind their back. When they know your attitude and reaction, a fight begins. They’re hell loads of bad words. Yell to each other. It takes more than a day to say sorry. Or maybe no sorry for forever. Hearing the words ‘sorry’ makes us feel so annoyed. We think that we’re probably doing something right isn’t it.
You know what I just think? Friendship so fragile nowadays. I love my friends so much and we all do. But well, we are all normal human being. I always believe that they’re always have a nice ways for us to trust a friendship. Priceless.
29 July 2012
27 June 2012
Praise a lot more to Allah. I’m still alive until today. And to feel what’s the meaning to become older than yesterday. Hello seventeen! Now celebrating the fact that I’ve been alive for seventeen years! What a blessed and what a good start.
Thank you mom for raising me, being here, being my angel for seventeen years. Thanks dad for your unlimited support
I don’t want anything. Enough with your wishes guys, thank you so much! My best gift for this year is, my little brother
Adam Mukhriz :’)
26 June 2012
Thank you, 'friend'
Assalamualaikum WRT WBT
What a tiring day. What a bad day recently
I haven’t felt this all this while. This saddens me a lot. Those were the good all days when I thought everyone would understand and accept my appearance, transformation from bad to good. I know, it wasn’t really good and I know that you guys still talking bad about me behind my back all this while. I know that. Seriously. Mulut org tak mampu kita nak tutup. Tutup macam mana pun org akan tetap bercakap jugak. Thanks for being honest dearest friend, thanks for ‘noticing’, not to forget your ‘teguran’ too. I’ll accept it with my whole and sincere heart.
But what kind of ‘teguran’ is that when you’re talking about it with a loud sound in front of others friend? Malu tak malu god knows and everybody laughing like crazy… It happened in class. Cakap berpada. That thing happened LAST YEAR NOT NOW! Why lah benda yg kita dah berubah to something better but someone still bercerita balik kat kita pasal appearance kita baju ketat and not wearing hijab before? If it still happens now, for Allah’s sake I’ll never gets sad, angry because I know, you still see that kan but I’m changed now what. Right? Kawan2 awak pun dah nampak I’m changed. Sad thing is, kawan yg dah nampak tu pun together gether and gether laughing like crazy to me.
Teguran yg baik inshaAllah hati boleh terima. Teguran yg supposed to talk face to face with me. Bukan cakap bagi semua org dengar dan malu kan orang. Malu kan up until now. You have a girlfriend, baju ketat tak pakai tudung kenapa tak penah tegur? Why meee? Aku pakai tudung what, baju pun tak macam last year. About last year, i know that was my poor appearance. Not really good to show. THAT WAS LAST YEAR. But beza apa skrg dengan girlfriend kau kan? Just because of I’m ‘chubby’ so you guys have a lot of point to talk and laugh. Really? Alhamdulillah I still have a friend. They’re so ‘concerned’. Concern and laughing. Yes they are… thank you so much :’)
Million apologies kalau lepas ni dah kurang bertegur. Hidup dalam masalah sendiri lagi baik. Terima kasih atas teguran, kata2 pedas, semua gelak tawa korang pasal aku. Allah knows me better. May Allah bless you guys. Assalamualaikum, good luck for our upcoming examination. Do your best
Aini Azhar
23 June 2012
School will be over
25 days left before Ramadhan. After that, “Welcome to Syawal”. You love it? A month full of blessing. I’m going to face my trial examination after Raya. I’ll enjoy my raya as much as I can. Not going to say, no raya for this year. No no no. Raya is still raya what :/ Just on the first day laaa. Not to be over. I’m seventeen……….
‘Too close too comfort’
SPM is drawing near. We have only about five six weeks left to have our final preparation after trial *maybe*. Time is running out now. But I haven’t studied even a little bit for my exam yet. My mid-term examination is so frustrating. Not going to tell you about my grades. Just imagine, I have 2 failed subjects and 3 credits. Another subject… DOWN. TOUGH! It’s June already now. Very soon my life as a secondary school student will be over. I’m over thinking. It’s a bitter-sweet feeling. No more school, no more examinations, no longer lug my heavyweight school bag to school, no more homework and all. NO MORE. But I’ll miss the fun I had in school. I’ll miss my friends. Sad to leave my 12 years of school. Carved many memories that i would never forget. I’ll miss it. For sure………
Right now, I seem to be losing my passion for studying. I don’t know why. I can’t stand sitting in class all day, I can’t stand sitting and studying at home all day or even a minutes. WHY?! I need to change this feeling very very fast. There’s only about 5 months left to fight for my studies. everyone is eagerly preparing for it.
Did you know there will be many other exams to come?
It’s definitely not the hardest. Let’s fight for our future
Tune in next time. Bye
08 June 2012
07 June 2012
Himpunan Jutaan Belia Negara 2012 ( PBSM CAMP) Part
Hari ke empat 25th May:
Ni aku teruja nak bercerita. Siang tu skill station ah macam biasa. Takde lah berat pun. Tapi ni takde sangat nak bercerita. Malam tu kitorang dapat pegi konsert modal insane *Tengok lah auto correct jadi ‘insane’! Padahal insan* Oh ok modal insan yerrr. Teruja dapat tengok ana raffali, hazama, saujana, farah asyikin, rabbani live! Best tengok hazama buat tepuk wau hebat pbsm punya tepuk. Tp konsert tu memang kitorang pbsm je yg banjir kan. Eeeeimok! :p Balik tapak around 11pm, minum2, masuk khemah then zzzzZZzzzz nights world
Hari ke lima 26th May:
Ni pun best jugak! Hari ni dapat buat skill station CPR bagai tu. Dia bahagi kan berapa group entah untuk buat tu. Then kena buat sorang2. Takde lah aku malu pun sebab group aku semua ladies and tak ramai kurang 10 orang. ‘Sir sir, are you alright, are you alright?’ HAHAHAHAHA! Time jue lah untung. Tiba time dia buat je tetiba timbalan menteri belia tu pegi kat group kitorang tengok jue buat. Untung ler camera depan belakang kiri kanan semua focus kat dia je plus dapat masuk paper pulak tu. Yerrr! Hahahaha :p
Malam tu pulak………. Dapat pegi konsert KPOP! Dal shabet is on the stage! Tapi pakaian tak payah cakap. Macam tu ke nak belia2 ikut? Apa lah. Seluar pendek tu tanak banned pulak.
Dorang bagi masa kitorang jalan2 kat situ sampai 11.15 then berkumpul belakang stage konsert tu balik. Best tak best lah aku melecet kot. Tahan je nak nangis tp nak jugak jalan! Jalan punya jalan jumpa group ni kat booth Rakan Muda.
Balik rumah je macam biasa lah. Aku tunggu kemain lama ayah nak ambik kat sekolah. Haaa time tu dorang tak perasan kehitaman aku ni lagi. Balik je aku ketuk pintu, mak bukak. Dah gelak2 dah dia. Thanks mak! Oh lepas tu ayah pulak masuk rumah, ha lepas tu ayah tengok aku atas bawah, thanks ayah! Pastu kakak2 aku pulak ejek aku hitam sampai sekarang, thanks ea! K bye -______________- Nanti aku putih balik la. Tunggu la korang
Himpunan Jutaan Belia Negara 2012 ( PBSM CAMP) Part I
Salam sejahtera, salam 1 malaysia
Tak tau lah aku nak mula cerita dari mana. For sure post ni lebih panjang dari biasa *Tagline kita hari ni*. Sejujur nya aku tak penah pegi kem hampir seminggu ni. Selalu 3 hari je. Before pegi mak ayah, kakak2 yg ‘disayangi’ sangat ni pun hampir nak mematahkan semangat aku nak pegi. ‘Hitam lah kau balik nanti adik’. ‘Hitam macam kau tahun lepas. Tu baru 3 hari. Ni seminggu’. Ok dah fine. Aku pegi jugak lah. Heran pulak aku nak hitam. Adat lah en SUNBURN. Dari terperuk kat rumah jerr grrrrr :/
Hari Pertama 22th May:
Pagi tu aku pegi sekolah dulu ambik exam perdagangan. Dalam kepala otak aku sibuk fikir barang apa lagi aku nak bawak time tengah exam tu. Kawan2 aku pun siap mintak list lagi barang. Mentang2 aku dah packing ahad. Hahaha cheeeitt. Balik sekolah aku siap2 suruh kakak aku hantar. Konon nak pegi pukul 3pm memang SHARP aku sampai pukul 3pm. Kawan2 aku pulak sibuk menge’call’. Tetiba aku pulak lambat en. Haa tp janji melayu. Eh tak ah. Eh tak. Janji cina! Pukul 3pm sangat lah padahal gerak pukul 5pm. Tettt vhdgreuhtghrefhadhabdwry -.-“ Dah sampai terus cari tapak. Bagus la tapak banyak kerengga. Ha lepas tu cikgu suruh anjak2 khemah. Haaa lepas tu lepas tu khemah aku tanah berbonggol. Haaa lepas tu lepas tu dan lepas tu, tolong bayang kan macam mana aku tidur time malam tu. Sexy terus aku bangun haaa. Best. Ingat kan tanah aku dapat kali ni better tp lagi teruk rupa nya -.-“ Hari pertama kitorang takde aktiviti. Ice breaking tu pun takde. Tu yg best sebenar nya tu. Dudududududu~ Tapi ada satu cerita buruk. Malam pertama tu *malam pertama kat kem maksud nya* time malam nak mandi and solat, kitorang pegi masjid besi tuanku mizan tu. Time syok ambik angin tepi tasik sambil otw pegi masjid tu, ada segroup abe2 kelate nakharomm kat laluan tu. Kejar bebudak. Time nak balik aku pulak kena. Tapi bukan kena kejar! Dorang lebih 10 orang lalu kat sebelah aku time GELAP pulak tu, apa nak jadi pun memang boleh jadi dah tau. Diorang dapat ambik gambar aku. Ni famous nya sentence k, ‘nak ambik gambo baju bele2~’ time tu aku pakai baju belang2. Rasa nak call ngadu kat ibu kita errr -.-“
Hari kedua 23th May:
Day 2 takde aktiviti lagi. Aku pun pelik kenapa. Dalam tentative kemain pulak skill station bagai. Tapi bagusss! Takde lah aku nak jalan aktiviti full 6 days kan. Dapat relax 2 days. Kihkihkih~ Ada cerita lawak time day 2 pepagi. Gegeh aku set alarm pukul 4am then kejut kengkawan aku bangun. Nak pegi mandi kat masjid punya pasal. Kalau lambat bangun confirm lah nanti ramai. Rebut jamban pulak kang -.-“ K time dah bangun tu, kitorang ye2 je rentas gaung yg kecil cenonet tu. Hahaha dari jauh aku nampak ada abg2 pbsm tepi tu sibuk perhatikan kitorang. Aku rasa lain macam dah sebenar nya. Elok 3 4 langkah lepas aku melangkah tu, tetiba…
Hari ketiga 24th May:
Hari aku paling lemah sebab nak buat aktiviti. Senam pagi as usual in the morning every 7am. Panda eyes! Malam2 bebudak hyper sangat borak kemain kuat. Diorang memang tak bagi tidur sebenar nya. Tak penat ke? Oh yerla tak buat aktiviti lagi kan. First aktiviti apa eh? Oooo system komunikasi tu. Boring nak mike alpha mike papa uniform sierra *sapa belajar foktrots alphabet akan faham maksud nya* :p Lepas tu kena kawad. Kena kawad tu yg tak tahan. Panas dia fuhlamaaaaak. Habis armpit saya. Hahaha! Tapi nasib time kitorang kawad takde kena denda kalau silap macam group lain. Oww Mentadak For The Win! Tapi hari ni jugak ada benda malang kitorang kena tempuh. Dalam 30 org or lebih kena cery bery and sakit perut. I’m one of em’. Taknak lama pulak reramai memerut kat masjid. Nak memerut kat toilet yg takde serupa toilet tu memang tak lah. Tapi ada rezeki kot time tu. Aku syok duduk sambil tekan2 perut time kat skill station memasak. Then group-mate aku ni panggil dalam 10 org macam tu. Dia kata Cg Aidil panggil. Mengeluh panjang aku. Dah la sakit perut. Sampai kat tapak kitorang berkumpul je, dia nak ambik dalam 100 org macam tu. Tau apa yg kitorang nak buat? Jalan pegi kat area tempat kehakiman ambik fixie bawak kat tapak kem reramai. Weeee~ Hilang terus rasa sakit perut kitorang. Bhahahahahaha! Cantik kot fixie colorful. Org tepi jalan pulak semua tengok wuishh bangga. Thanks yerrr cikgu :p
12 May 2012
10 May 2012
Miss me, anyone?
I know you all do. Haha I’m back now. Just for a short break. I have been struggling so hard for this mid term examination ok
So how are you doing dearest? Well I hope you’re fine. Not too late to wish a very Good Luck for all of you who are taking mid term examination right now. I don’t care whoever you are and which school you come from. The exams have been ok. Yesterday I sat for Bahasa Melayu exam in the class. Are you gonna ask me how was it? Haha. I would say its good. No, I mean JUST okay. Paper 1 and 2 was not so bad, was not so good too. 350 words for essay, 200-250 for continuous writing. Upper secondary are always bad you know. I opened my Facebook yesterday. Scrolling down and found all the status by Form 4 students. ‘Penat doh. Dakwat habis, sakit tangan’. Haha that was sooo me when I was in Form 4. Normal la you olssss. The exam is not over yet you know. There’re still have one week and a half to go. It wasn’t easy at all. Go read book, stop online! Note this to yourself!
I better stop mumbling. English exam in the morning. I would say it was really hard. Especially paper 2. I spent about 30 minutes to read summary again again and again till I understand. No, I’m not understand actually but just pretending to understand the needs. I ended up with belasah jelah. Paper 1 was summary. ‘Unforgettable Experience in your life’. Whoaaa. And again I don’t understand the tittle. They want me to story about the experience I couldn’t forget or describe what is unforgettable experience in my life?
Huh. That is all for now. I’m a good dictionary today y’know. Tomorrow I’ll sit for Agama. Till then, bye
21 April 2012
Mid term examination? --> Second test of examination? --> Trial SPM? --> SPM?
Why do I have to face all of this above? To tell you the truth, I already give up with studies now. Especially, in maths. I hate numbers as I told you guys before. No matter how many times I’m trying to like the numbers, I’ll give up at the end. I don’t know what will happen with my result sooner.
Can I give up now? Can I just say no to examination and studies? Can I just be an irresponsible ass and run away? Can I not face this world till I'm ready? When will I ever be ready? How would you know when you are ready? I dont. I honestly dont. But one thing's for sure: Not NOW!
Sport Science's activiti ( Rentas Halangan )
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Station 4 : Spider Web! |
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Station 8 kot : Kena pusing 10 kali then tendang bola masuk gol. Kalau tak gol, pusing lagi 4 kali. Sampai pengsan! |
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Hehe tak rasa comel ke gambar ni? :p |
Aku kata...
13 April 2012
Friend Requests? Denied.

Thousand of names in my friend request. Those with weird names like : Mas joko, mas ganteng, anje chumel, amoi somodh. Who the hell are you? Have you been thinking for twice or even thrice before you wanted to add me? Are you guys expecting I’m gonna approve you guys with weird names and no Profile Picture at all? Sorry for the others too. Just like what I’ve said, I only add people I know. But you keep sending me friend request without read my description first. Or maybe, it’s all because of this sucks Timeline and it’s hard to show my description. Perhaps. Note to ya, how can I approve you on Facebook if I don’t even know you? With only 1 mutual friend and sometimes none? Like serious? J
15 March 2012
14 March 2012
02 March 2012
March 12 :)
26 January 2012
STORY #283
25 January 2012
Weyhhhhhhhhhh, kenapa aku boring sangat ni? No idea ke about what I should do now? Most importantly Is today! What should I do today?!