Sometimes, I wish I could start over everything, including us. Like, how I wish! But I knew we couldn’t change everything. Benda dah jadi. What humans can do, ayte? I should have stopped trying to find the answers. All the whys, hows, I should leave them unanswered. Tak baik macam ni. Benda dah lepas kan can we just forget it and let it be forgotten forever? My problem now is you, only you. Kau tak boleh terima imperfections langsung. Weh, we all have flaws in ourself. Allah is the creator, and he create us in so many ways you know. Kalau semua dilahirkan sempurna, takde siapa yang berusaha untuk jadi yang lebih sempurna. So do us. No matter how hard you try to stop things from happening or rush things to happen, you can't fight fate, right? #SelfNote
I’m here. I’m always here for us. I’m ready to be your best “sister”, your listener, your shoulder. I’m willing to share anything with ya this time. I don’t want us to be strangers again. Time heals everything. I know right. But this scars in our heart seems to be deeper and deeper everyday. I mean, I hate every single thing about us this few days. I admit it was my mistake. I was blind at that time. I can’t see things clearly and how much it can effects my life. Can you please act like you don’t care about everything anymore? Act like we don’t even have a problem together? Like how it supposed to be. All egos aside, it honestly hurts. You can’t blame me alone. I want US. The OLD us. Ya Allah, bring back the old times. Lemme fix everything and trying to be better again. There's absolutely nothing I can do to make it happen. Only Allah can help us. Only him.
I don't want to remember the past. i don't live there anymore. Stop dragging me back to where we were so naive and such fools. You know the consequences. I'm not gonna get hurt. You are. So lets forgive and forget.
I know it’s hard……
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