I woke up with so many issues on twitter lately. Yes that blue birds is so dirty. There’s a case about “potong” thingy on my timeline yesterday. Seems that the guy had been hacked or he tried to increase his followers. Uh I don’t understand. I guess there’s a conspiracy behind this all. Kerap giler kot ada je “attention seeker” ni. I guess their account had been controlled by the same person! Wallahualam. I’m scrolling my timeline almost every seconds. Seeing the people keep updating their tweet with a harsh words. Please. If you wants to nasihat somebody, berkesan ke dengan ayat mencarut awak yang hebat sangat tu? Don’t trust what you see easily guys. Be positive. Maybe there’s somebody wanting to bring em’ down by their tweets. Fikir balik setiap account diorang. They created their account on 27 and on 28 they started to tweet something yang agak macam “seeking for attention”. They are! You guys don’t have to bash em’. Uh man, I laugh. Stop being so stupid would ya? I miss the days when I first created my account. I don’t see any Malaysian and uh well it’s boring. And now we’re all using it, and it’s kinda boring again. Let’s go back to Myspace? Myspace is so heavy now….. Poor you Tom.
P/s: To my followers on twitter, my tweets increase whenever I watch a football match. sorry for any inconvenience. Muahaha chill lah. It’s AFF SUZUKI CUP timeee whutsss. Im a lil bit emotions whenever I watch em’ play. Especially yesterday. Hahaha I can’t wait for this Saturday. Malaysia gonna beat Indonesia. This is so exciting….
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