Seeing that little kids in front of my house. ‘Oh how time flies. Those were the good old times’. I look back and think of the years that went by. Those were the time when I was still a kid. I love to wear my green skirt, green sleeveless blouse and play with my friends. I was like a boy back then. Every 5pm is my playing time. Before I went, I would just run to mommy and wanted her to give me 50 cent everyday. LOL. Yes now I’m growing up already. Soon to be in college and soon to be mom (Haha). I miss being a kid tho. No one cared how you look like. We could just be ourself aren’t we? Well not today. People so judgmental nowadays. Realize that? :) If we do only a small mistake, they are going to insult you. Or in other thing they did is, nagging. Everybody wants everything to be perfect in this era. In fact, we’re all human. We all have flaws in our self. But still can be perfect by learning from the mistake. So why should we insult the one who’re still learning? Do you think you’re perfect enough among us? Yes. Maybe yes. Second big question is, do you think you have been so perfect to Allah?
If only I can go back in time and meet me younger self. I would pass on one advice to the little me, who was so desperate to grow up back then. I would say,
“Enjoy these time as much as you can little one, for one day you will look back and wish you could stay in your past. You’ll regret to grow up when you know how life going to be when you’re older” :’)
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