16 August 2012

Blessing of Allah / Eid Mubarak

Hows your raya preparation guys? Going well?

Mine was simple. A pair of baju kurung and le new casing for my Blackberry. Hahaha! No new handbag and shoes. 95’s shall only celebrate for only a day. Remember what you’re going to face after that? Alright I’m not going to say that again. You know it very well ;) Syawal is coming so fast. I’m typing this today and it’s only about 2 more days to go. How time flies and how fast Ramadhan gonna leave us. “Tak puas doa lagi”. What about you? 

I don’t know where I’m going to celebrate my Eid. I don’t wanna go to Kuala Selangor. Daddy’s hometown. Well I just don’t wanna go. I rather staying at home and doing nothing! Lets talk about the Eid. My family has done so many kuih raya. We’re so excited to make Kuih Raya for the visitors! Come to my house if you wanna taste one! Cornflakes Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies and so on *I don’t exactly remember the others name :p* But it tastes good! So maybe just that. 

I want to take this opportunity to say:

I’m so so sorry for any of my wrong doings. Sama ada sengaja atau tak sengaja. Sama ada tersinggung, terasa, terkecil hati, marah or anything I just wanna say sorry for that. Manusia biasa yang tak akan lari dari buat silap. Sedangkan Nabi kita pun mampu maafkan umat nya walaupun dicela, apa lagi manusia macam kita yang penuh dosa ni kan? 

Especially kepada ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan rapat dan siapa siapa jelah yg kenal ok.
Susun dua puluh jari *Termasuk jari kaki* nak mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Have a very happy Eid! It’s ‘Families uniting’ time!

Selamat pulang ke kampung, Have a safe journey! :’)

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