The clocks tick slowly. As steadily as it ticks the minutes and the hours, the years go by. And awhhh how time flies! I just turned sixteen years old today! Alhamdulillah :) People keep telling me ‘ You’re getting old ‘ is 16 sounded so old? LOL! You guys hit me like a brick wall. I were still a teen :P My number of age increasing one by one each year. It’s increasing! To tell you the truth, I’m terrified. Fear for my future. Wondering what god has planned out for me. Will I be one of the most best people? Only god has the answer for it. Anyway, of course I’m happy today. I love my birthday and mom always told me that I don’t have to be so happy
‘ Birthday awak tu tak besar sangat pun dik. Announce macam birthday agung pulak -.-' '
Mom don’t understand me. The date of my birth day is where I feel like I’m so special, I’m happy. Unusual things will happen. Yearn to turn back and return to a time where everything was much simpler. The joy was very pure. Nothing much to worry about. Kan kan? I wanted to be a kid again.Hahaha anyway,
A bunch of thanks to you guys who just wished my birthday
1 . Don't love yourself too much
2. Be strict where ever you are
3. Be smart with money
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