09 June 2011


'Yes sunflower, warna kuning. Bila kembang sangat cantik'
'You were my sunflower'

After hearing tears letter songs and keep replaying over and over again suddenly make me wanna burst into tears right now. I don’t understand the lyrics for sure but I love the sound of this song. Touch my heart deeply and plus right now, I just read something in someone’s blog. She wrote her stories and songs by herself. All about her late father. Admire her strength and appearing strong for everyone. Of course, I don’t think I could be the same as her if I were in her place right now. Losing someone I love is my biggest fear

I miss my late grandma, grandpa and aunty. Suddenly remember that time, when the heart tearing feeling and how everyone looked. Being strong is not easy. It’s just very easy to say words. I have lost a few precious persons in my life. It’s like, everything still new. I can still hear their laughter in my ears and draw their happy face. Their memories will always be in my mind. Every seconds, every minutes, every hours, every days, every weeks, every months, and every years

' You better appreciate each and everyone beside you. You better do everything to make them happy as often as you can while you can still hear it beating. I love everyone '

P/s: It hurts the most when the tears fall.

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