30 June 2011
A bunch of lala
Revaluation. No, things have changed!
Do you know how good it feels?
1. When your mommy and daddy still hold your hand while walking in the road and walking to your class. To think of that time when you could let your hair long and not worry to have a haircut. I just remember when daddy said don’t cut your hair. Let it long let it long! I listen to daddy said as well. When I’m in standard 1, on the first day, teacher said to all the students to draw some cute/funny pictures. That time when mommy still in my side. Stood beside the window watching me in the class. I said, ‘Mommy, pls came quickly and help me’ Mommy said, ‘ Draw by your own. You’re 7 years old. Still young and could learn everything now’ I listen to mommy said as well. But now, we no longer gonna listen to them. No, things have changed!
2. When you had a bunch of good friends when you were still a kid and when you were in primary school. We cry and play together everyday. We’ll asked daddy or mommy to bring them along wherever we go. Hey yes, I did it when I was a kid! Experienced and spending some quality time with my friend every minute. But as time goes by, we’re gonna get new new new and new friend each year. Old friendships that stood the test of time in primary school/kid were broken and new ones were forged. Do you realize that? No, things have changed!
3. When you were still in kindergarten and primary school, learning is our best time in a day. We respect teacher as our parents. Love them as we love our own mommy/daddy. Listen to them whatever they gonna said. But sadly, we no longer treat our teachers now with the respect that we gave to our old teachers. Replace it with the other thing. I HATEEE THIS TEACHER SO MUCH. You realize that? Good. No, things have changed!
Well, don’t tell me you never did that. You’re a big liar! I admit, I was one of that. I know that, we thought love would last forever. But things have changed. All of this happen when we were still a kid, when we were naive. Not now! :( We rebelled more than we did before. It felt good to defy someone. How I wish, I could change things. Wished that we less fighting and more listening. Well, it’s all by ourself. Reevaluate all of the things we did now. Fikir
" Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. So when life gets tough you can just play pretend. I wanna go back to when Santa did exist. When your daddy was the only boy you ever kissed. When Disney World was the best place to be. When the only movies you could see were rated G. When your biggest problem was learning to write your name and people didn't change and your friends were the same. And every time you were sad or you had a bad day. You could just run to mommy and it would all be okay. I wanna go back to no hurt and no pain... just laughter. When everyone always lives happily ever after "
28 June 2011
Something soooo

Overjoy! Over excited! And wtv i just too over!
26 June 2011
25 June 2011
Mental Breakdown
24 June 2011
STORY #226
I don’t really like her when we first met. I don’t know why. Bitch stares maybe. Always kacau kacau somemore. But as soon as we really spoke to each other, then we just clickkkeedddd! She’s gonna be one of my closest friend. I’m not gonna tell you whom is that. Teka kalau pandai :P One of my best friend I ever had. We’re just gonna be close! But the fact is, nottt so close. Told you, she’s suffocating me sometime. That’s the kind of person she is. Inside and out, she’s still the same and will always be the same. Seriously, everyone would be angry with her. Her attitude sometime gonna be like shit. And once I said :
WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! 1 2 3 pegi mampus
Hahaha just a couple of months ago. I'm not exaggerating. She’s nice people to be known. You’re nice :)
Well, believe it. I have my another super awesome-EST girlfriends. They’re such nice people too. Whenever I come over, I always feel like I’m home. Laughing till my stomach hurts. You guys are so grounded. Never take you guys for granted
P/s : It amazes me, how the simple line can have so many meaning and can form such a beautiful story. Kan? Anyway, I’m gonna try to keep this short. No one really like my long post I guess :P
22 June 2011
Rumpled !

20 June 2011
One million youth gathering ( PBSM camp ) II

19 June 2011
One million youth gathering ( PBSM camp )

Ahad :
1. Panas malam semalam ya Allah tuhan je tau. Tapi tidur lena kot. Sampai terlajak pukul 6. Haha kitorg mandi pagi pukul 4am. Aku, noni dan jue antara budak yang terlepas keluar dari kem. Actually, kitorg tak boleh keluar. Fasi dah tak bagi. Haha tapi kitorg dah terlepas :P
2. 6.30 aktiviti macam biasalah iaituuuuuu….. tadaaaa senaman pagi lah apa lagi T.T ( Muakk dengan lagu chicken dance, gemuruh and whatsoever shit ) Adoi T.T Pinggang aku longgar dah nak pusing2. Hahaha
3. Makan pagi. Kali ni kena makan suap. Tapi kitorg tak buat pun. Haha malehhhh ah. Makan roti cicah sardine, mentega dan kaya ( save budget T.T )
4. Aktivittttttttttt pun boring tahap entahla tahap yang tiada tahap. Malas nak cerita
5. Time nak balik adalah saat yang paling ditunggu tunggu. Before that, ambik gambar kenang kenangan dulu. Lepas tu, ha ambik kau. Lari2 anak kambing semua menuju ke bas kami. Time tu lega. Tapi actually, sedih :’))
P/s : Ada sesetengah cerita tak dapat di update. Tangan lenguh!
Newssss Newwssss Newsss hottiess :D
P/s : Akhirnya dapat buat poem sendiri dalam masa 1 jam. Puas hati! Alhamdulillah! Check out my poem 'Will you, baby?' :'))