30 October 2009

out love is perfect

Dear Imaginary Boyfriend
Hold me tight in your arms until I can't breathe no more.
Hug me like you're hugging your soft pillow late at night.
Kiss me on my soft lips and don't ever stop tasting my lips.
Grab my hand when we're going out, and let everyone know that I belong to You.
Pull me close when we're slow dancing in the streets and look me deep in the eyes to make my legs feel weak.
Make my heart melt by just smiling at me and say a simple " hey babe".
Call me three times a day just to tell me that you missed me.
Be there for me when I start crying, just be quite and listen to my problems and just hug me tight to make my problems flow away in your arms.
Feed me in public, and throw popcorn to me when we;re in the movies.
Make stupid jokes to make me laugh my tears out.
Kiss my forehead everytime when we have to say goodbye.
Tickle me in public and hug me just to stop laughing like a maniact.
Let me wear your cap, your accesorries and jacket and be proud of it.
Tell everyone how special I am to you.
Surprize me with gifts on special occasions.
Love me like you love your family, Love me more than you love yourself. Don't let me go.Don't lie to me. Don't cheat on me. Just stay with me baby.<3

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