16 April 2010

My Exam is Around The Corner !

Examination will start on 31Mei and ended on 4June. That mean, it’s only four days I need to having my examination. Guess what, My first thought is Examination’s papers will be made by teachers. Then today, my friend’s gave the paper that I thought that’s for wrapped. Lol. So, I feel like reading. I ask her

‘ This is for what? I know this is examination’s schedule. But why the title that will come out in our exam was very little ‘

She force me to read carefully. And you know what, examination’s papers for the mid term would be made by education department. Yeah I am anxiety ! The unexpected matter is we have to read our geography’s subject until chapter 10. To be frank, I was utterly gutted. So since it would be made by education department, it’s really require lots of reading, exercises. Now, the conclusion is I have to study harder. More more more harder than before. Last two months, I having my examination. Okay, I did not work hard enough at that time. Yeah I admit it. So the result was not good. But I still can score in some subjects. And the others was okay. I need to work hard soon. I believe that sooner, I will go to A-levels. Who knows. I guessing it was a few marks that will brought my grades down. I think, everyone know what subject’s grade that I mean just now :]

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