Just came back from Stadium Uniten, Bangi. Lol i am so tired though I’m not doing any activity. Sport day today was not bad at all. I had so much fun with my dearies. So yeah it’s awesome day.
Say Hello to Mohd Haris Izazi ! Hahahahha He is ugly clown XDD
Quarter master's tent
Look at them ! We called this as sempoi style. Haha
They were focused on sport :]
Go Kenyalang ( Yellow ) Go Go !!
Jentayu ( Orange ) Look at that boy. He's wanna married :P
The green flag. That's my fav colour :]
Why it must had people's head when i taking picture? :/
So unfortunate that my Sport house fell to the third place. And merak ( Red ) be the winner. Okay i didn't expect that my sport house was in the third place. I thought, it's gonna be first or second. Urm can't believe that jentayu had beat us.
Here is the final result
1. Merak
2. Jentayu
3. Kenyalang
4. Helang
5. Bayan
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