2am : i'm sleep. i'm make mistake today. i late went to sleep. so, can't sleep earlier
5.15am : i woke up with my messy hair. was in trouble. my alarm sounding. thought is anwar's alarm (this's my illusion because of too drowsy i think. i don't even know who is anwar) HAHA
* i take my towel and i entered toilet. eyes was closed. yes i violate every wall in my room
* i take a bath. around 10min. can't bath for so long. maybe i'll late
* afterward, eyes getting bigger. but i still feel like sleepy
* wearing my outfit, head scarf and get ready for the school
6.15am : i wait for my friend. after she came, we walked to our own bus stop :P then i wait for bus to fetch me. while am talked about our school holiday's activity. all is vain !
6.25am : okay bus arrived. i'm so thankful. can't bear with my leg again. arghh
7.00 : arrived to school. amir started to asked me about my ulcer. this's his important question. everytime we meet, he'll expel these question. i recover from ulcer since last month indeed. LOL
7.20am : walked to assembly plain. lazyyyyyy !!!
7.30am : walked to the class room. i couldn't walk correctly >.<
7.30 - 10.10am : my study time. oh my god ! i forgot to complete one of my subject. it's note ! but sorry teacher. i being a liar for a while. not my intention >.<>
10.10am : recess time. okay actually, i'm moody with my friends when recess time. don't know what the exact meaning of 'friend' urm never mind. as long as they happy. so i'm happy
10.10am - 1.00pm : study time and went home as usually routine :D
2.pm : i arrived at home. very restless plus sleepless because of lastnight case. rest for 5min. * take my homework and doing it for 30min
* iron my outfit and check my school things. 25min
3.00pm : take a bath once again. make up myself
3.15pm : one my way to went to my friend's home. study yeah :P
3.20pm : she angry because i late arrived. i promised to came at 3.00pm actually.haha sorry
3.20 - 5.50pm : study babe let's study !
6.00pm : on my way to went back home. ohlalala.
6.05pm : already at home. take my homework and do it
* i got the damn thing here. thought is my exercise book missing. so, i do it once again. then i feel like wanna check in my bag. and tarraaa. oh suck !
6.10pm : after i snarl and can't bear with myself, so i sleep
8.00pm : i woke up. i don't want to woke up. but i force myself. hishh what happened :P
*so this's my schedule for today. restless isn't it? yeah veryy restless. i post these news almost 12am. sleep? oh ya. i didn't feel like sleep :P but i have to force myself
Tomorrow have to wake up in early morning. 5am? arghhhhhhh
goodbye !
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