12 February 2010
I never being boast to the people and even strangers. But i got one friend that really boast. Real boast. Everyday, i will feel like i wanna give her one kick to make her realize about her wrong doings. People won't like you if you like these every single minute. Come one friend, even me also can't bear with your attitude. She always say that she is clever. Clever than other people. She believe that people is totally stupid and piglet if they couldn't answering the easiest question. For me, not everyone can answer with split second and it even me. I still remember her dialog to me. The case is when my teacher ordered her to read the paragraph. After all done, she said 'teacher will being so stupid because she ordered me to read. I won't read paragraph poorly. I'm clever' second case is when my classmate couldn't answering question quickly 'why they so bodoh? the question were very easy' puh-leasee my friend. Don't being so boast. God will show show consideration to you. I told these because i love you as my friend. I want all my friend managed to enter university life like everyone. Don't make god so angry on you my friend. Think these :]
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