When the kitten gone, i start to feel loss including my family. i know that this's our problem why we disengage her. the story began here. it's when my kitten urinate and defecate in my living room. of course we angry. my living room dirty because of faeces that's scattered. i don't know it happen because at first, my kitten know how to urinate and defecate in toilet. maybe she angry because we put her in toilet every night when we wanna sleep perhaps. We do it because of constructive reason indeed. afterwards, i start to open my house door to force kitten go. i can't bear with these anymore. and haha something happen. when my kitten go, we start to retake. so many times like these. i talk to my family 'better you don't let our kitten go, if you throw and retake' :D everyday, it recurring the same case. i'm so 0.0 . so, yesterday when i went to the mines, i running across my kitten. she's seeing water. looks very cute. then i snarl my kitten. i didn't expect that she know me well. i'm so touched. i advocate my kitten just 2weeks. of course i didn't expect these happen. my kitten want to follow me. i take and put my kitten position in distant place.she was running to me until she look a bunch of children and her running stopped. i'm glad.after all done, i'm going back home. i find for my kitten and i couldn't see her even her footmarks. i find in field, stairs and yet still same. i couldn't find the clue. i was like x'( time increasingly gone. too many question play in my mind suddenly. 'where she will sleep tonight? does she eaten already? she wouldn't eat by dog? she would fight to?' so many question.but i know, time has passed away.i still didn't have a clue where my kitten go. i can't rotate those time when i gave living and care that she deserve. my teacher always told to my class that we're not crazy if we talk to animal.you don't know which actually they understand what you said. they will listen to you like they is your best friend. they understand you more than human understand and they will feel what you talk. that's the fact. so animal, even if i can't talk in your words, but we can still understand each other. i don't understand you exactly. but i know it's your voice. you used to be part of my life before. forgive me for all my fault previously, babe. i realize know. hope that kind people will take you and giving life that you deserve. grow up nicely, babe. if there is good fortune, we would meet again of course. I really felt your loss this time. i miss you more than words i can say. <3 =')
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