This is beautiful. i hope people all over the world wake up and unite. I play this song more than twice. almost 10times. but yet, i didn't feel like boring when i hear this. yeah, it automatic play in my head when i stop it. how great this song. What ever god you pray at, may that god bless gaza and all palestinians. We are all Gaza. So, be strong. Amen xxx
27 February 2010
This is beautiful. i hope people all over the world wake up and unite. I play this song more than twice. almost 10times. but yet, i didn't feel like boring when i hear this. yeah, it automatic play in my head when i stop it. how great this song. What ever god you pray at, may that god bless gaza and all palestinians. We are all Gaza. So, be strong. Amen xxx
26 February 2010
hey lunatic
Oh god, don’t know why I still recall about last night case. It’s when my friend sent me message. I was so angry and can’t think too much. I decided to ignore those message. Hell yeah, that’s not so important. People just can’t understand what we’re talking. aren’t them? Oh yeap. Of course I’m deeply upset. Her message was like these ‘ I know,these time is your intention.dont said that you’re reason was not accepted’ What The Fuck !! I have tried to hold my head high and try to stick it out thinking something will be around the corner but yet. it's still the same. My only hope is she’ll change her attitude. Whereas, she promised me one thing before. It doesn’t working nowadays. All is false promise. I am also a really argumentative person. Yeah I admit it. It just because I want thing to work out. Okay fine. Now, I want it to be stop for a moment. May be, I should close my eyes for a sec, turn to silent mode. Hope that someone would break the silence. nevermind
25 February 2010
entry in malay
shining armor

I had a dream last night where I was knight in shining armor who saved a handsome prince from an evil sorcerer. I don’t know if I'm ever cut out to be Princess in any way. HAHA and when while I dream, I manage to talk 'i hope this’s not dream' HAHAHA And suddenly, I woke up. And said What The Fuck !!!! so hopeless >.<>
*i saved him i think* LOL :D
22 February 2010
waitt :P
restless, sleepless as one !
20 February 2010
Dear Human,
I don’t understand with a few people that simply judge god’s creation. He’s our creator and not for us want to evaluate all his creation. We have our own brain. I’m pretty sure that you can think it by your own. Hope it’s obvious. I have to being so outspoken here. I know, I’m the one who have evaluated one of his creation. Yeah I realize. So, I don’t want people make mistake anymore. Fat, black, short, ugly, retard or whatever they still a human. Human that have a brain, feeling and mind to think. For me, people that simply judge is animal. Animal that don’t have mind to think. Instead for me, animal also can think it. At least, they know how to respect their own species. Hope you got message what I try to deliver. Sorry if i slip of the tongue
16 February 2010
12 February 2010
ulcer attack me !

curse dayy

06 February 2010
my burden

This year was my busy year. No time to relax. Everyday, i have to facing with so many assignment that i don't want honestly. Nothing to do than just accept and do even it forced. Oh Well, this's my second month and yet i still enjoy with my school life so much :D Actually, this month is kinda bored for me. It's a busy and tough month. I have to read a lot of book, and being rush to complete all assignment. 10 left. Don't know how to make it. I'll try my best. First of all, i have to start drawing my project paper. Well, starting the project paper is not that easy. I have to focused and analyze the title. If i wasn't do, i will deflected from the title :D:D The project i choose this year require a lot of reading and i don't read much as you see. For now, i have to force and force myself thou i don't want !!!