13 July 2011

My Family

There’re at times where I thought I could do anything. There when at first I thought being on your own was the best thing you could have once in a life time. But then I realize, being close with my family what matters the most. Well, everyone have their own family. So do i

Let’s start with my daddy. He has done so many things for us three. I can’t believe that he has reached the age of fourty-nine. He think he’s still young sometime. He wanted his hair to be black again. Sorry daddy. Accept the number with the sincere heart pls. Hehe you must think he’s a wise man isn’t it? Yes as his daughter, he is :) Daddy is sporting sometime. I just remember about what did he said to me. ‘ Dah besar nanti, adik kawin dengan tauke ayam je ‘ Hahaha teased me sometime. Ehe xx :)

My mom? Gahhh this one is really my favourite. I’m just going to write only a little for her cause I has a very long story about my mom. Not gonna type here coz I know it’s gonna be a very long post just for mom. Hahaha! Well, she’s a true mother who’s gonna embarrasses her three daughter, the one who’re always babbling like a teacher, who you feel like snapping at. After all, she’s my mom. She’s my friend sometime when I had none. Being sporting to her three daughter always! Always asked me,

‘ Adik ada boyfriend, tak? Mak tak kisah. Cakap je ‘

Hahaha how sporting isn’t it? You won't have the heart to hate such an amazing person like her :’))


I hated my sister with my whole heart. Hahaha :D They made me cry sometimes coz they know, their adik love to cry. They often forget I love to cry. Maybe? Heckkk no!

The oldest one is 23y/o but doesn’t look like 23. You know why? Matured look ( Alamak sorry :P ) She often takes away stuff from this house to her hostel. Whenever I visits to her hostel with my mom, ‘ Eh when did you take this? ‘ Damn ah you. No wonder it was missing. Periuk, sudip, etc LOL! My second sister, 20y/o. And for crying, she teased me too. He had been my arch enemy since I was young. We often fought and I would just cry. I was tired of crying sometime coz I think, I had enough :P

I and my second sister grew up in the same time except for the oldest one. For me and my second sister, most of our relatives couldn't differentiate between me and her. ‘ Which one is adik and kakak? ‘ LOLLL! Am I look that old? :(

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