Do.. a boy cries for his girl?
Do.. they have you on their mind 24hours?
Do.. they miss you all the time?
Do.. they smile at random times at the thought of you?
Do.. they think a about the smallest things you say?
Just like.. a girl do? Do they?
All of this question that I'm always thinking. Ump lemme reffering this post as him. Simple post to fix this fragile heart in time like this
Well today is one of those day where I feel nothing’s right again, where everything I did somehow related to you. His face serene and smiling, brings tears to my eyes. How are you today? Is everything goes well? I haven’t had a day where my fingers don’t type a long text, I haven’t had a day where I stop doodling your name over. A tear wasted and maybe this’s a suicide. Suicide without a physical pain.
Someone asked me today, how I can be this happy in time like this. Well simple, this’s my effort to appear strong. Lemme hide my pain inside, let everyone think that I’m still survive. I don’t wish this to come, I don’t wish this to happen
'I really can’t see someone else hold your hand, I really can’t see someone else replace my place ‘
Noo honestly, I can’t! Sorry for all the lies I’ve made. I said, I don’t care but my heart told me a different story. A heart can’t lie no matter how much you tell lies. Sorry for the sudden disappear. If only you know, the only thing I ever need now is… you. But lemme fix this heart and disappear
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this!
No contact anymore
I WILL do this!
P/s : Hopes and maybe even dreams
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