Well I think, from the status updates and the tweets I’ve made seems like NO ONE LIKES FINAL EXAM. It can indeed be scary stuff. We’re having our so called break now and I don’t wanna let this chance passed me by remembering my test 2 is super bad. I guess all of my classmate too but congrats to whoever who passed the test with flying colors. My mark is degrading me and for this final, I hope no subject is going to fail especially my Perdagangan and Basic economy. Oh what about maths? Well I don’t target any gred or mark for maths causeeee, I hate numbers. Just see what happen with my paper soon :)
‘Sit down in class and knowing all the subject’s paper for this final are made by PPD’
So that mean, I don’t know the chapter for each subject that will be come out for this final. I feel like I want to die or at least disappear but at the same time I'm not intending to fall sick. I'm not going to dissapoint anyone. I must NOT! Next week is going to be a ’heavy’ week for me. My paper start on Wednesday. May god bless me for this final exam
P/s : Blog mati sekejap okay? Bye
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