10 June 2010

What the Hell !!

Now they seem to hate me. I don’t know what should i do. Tears roll down my cheeks. I pissed :’( Maybe it’s hard because they aren’t the one who raised me. Before this, I’m just heard story from somebody. After that, I’m deafening my ear and said ‘ bla bla bla ‘ . But yesterday, I FELT IT ! I don’t wanna tell their name. They are my closest. At least, I still have feelings of compassion and respect to them. How could you guys doing all of that to me. I AM HUMAN and I HAVE FEELINGS. Don’t you feel how I feel? This saddens me and stressed me out. Okay I know you don’t like me. But please, don’t treat me like this. I’m not stupid. I literally can’t write much about this case. I’m scare if someone would read this and know who is. I’m sorry I just had to get this out

0 loves:

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