27 June 2010
23 June 2010
Today’s story
I don’t know why this morning I am up way too late. It’s actually 5 minutes late. I can’t quite wake up either. I got skull pounding headache all of sudden, My kitten has been spoil my mood and I was veryyy depressed. I was a mess girl. Today, I had face my most embarrassing situation for me. My god, This was my first time in this year I slipped in front of people ! ( Slipping is my biggest fear )
My exam result were announced today. I was dreading. I’m afraid of failed since this examination wasn’t easy. I’m not satisfied. Here is the result
Bahasa Melayu – A
English – A
Agama- A
Geography – C
History – Urmm D. Haha ( flabbergasted )
21 June 2010
No one cares
I’m envy of the past, I’m tired seeing myself looking all drowning, I’m tired to act like I’m happy towards human. I realized now that life Is tough but I need to keep on trucking. Too many challenges will come. Waiting for me and I feel like I want to run. I’m not willing to get through all of it. Not in the mood and that is what I felt nowadays. I’m trying to run away from this life
I know this entry might be read by a thousand of soul, a thousand of heart. My apologies if this entry is said as a ungrateful girl =)
But I don’t care what people say
My mood is off =)

My lord, I’m totally exhausted from wheezing today. I doodle in my notebook but still, I’m boring. Before i went to school, am hoping to hear the new rumors and gossip ( I still have lots of story to update ). Whatever it is, Happy Teacher’s Day ! :D Though for me, teacher's day this year wasn’t best like before, But it’s still the best day to keep in memory :]
18 June 2010
I’m not really blogging lately. I’m little bit stressed out and distracted. Haha. Right now, I have to settle all the school things, my homework and all. I kind of hate this but what should I do? :]
I hate this fact
Only 2 days left I’ll back in class. Oh lord, I can’t believe my holiday almost over. Sigh* My result is coming closer. I’m anxious and anxiety to know that. But thank goodness, my first day of school will become ‘ THE TEACHER’S DAY ‘ so, I don’t need to be panic or depressing. I’m pretty sure, this teacher’s day is awesome. Maybe the teachers day on 21 June sounds weird. It supposed to become a daddy’s day. Haha. My teacher a bit late to celebrate their special day. It’s okay. I don’t mind at all. I’m very happy to know the teacher day will be held on the first day of school :P
16 June 2010
I'm all alone

Everyday, Every time and Every minute I’m counting my birthday. My 15th birthday is in less than a month. Oh my dear Lord, I’m getting old ! However, there’s one thing that always playing in my mind. I don’t know whether I can celebrate my birthday with my whole family or not. Mom, Dad and my two sisters. Last year birthday, I just celebrate with two person. Glad that mom and dad were still here beside me. But I still felt so lonely though I’m not alone. I blew the candle alone, I ate the cake alone, I sang happy birthday song alone. Felt rather down at this moment. But yeah I think as we grow older, all the loved ones would be far. I open my picture album, and I saw my picture when I celebrate 1year old birthday where everyone sang happy birthday to the cute baby. But now, all those moment are gone in a blink of an eye. Never mind. I don’t need to complain too much. I’m just alone physically. Thank god for giving me another year, good health, and many wonderful moments/blessings. Love filled everyday
‘ Taterw kot. Huk huk huk. Titew pun ta tau lawrh ‘
‘ Titew cayang bb sanad2 ‘
Seriously, I’m not really understand with this word. Can you puh-lease use the word properly. If you use short form but in the right words, it’s okay. I’m understand. But if you use this kinda word, you make me crazy. I do not know how to read and you just waste my time to read your stupid word. Stupid retarded malay usually use this kinda word. Okay I think it’s disgraceful and ignorant. Hell you
15 June 2010
Chocolate Indulgence

I want to make sure, I’ll get this cake on my birthday. Wow i can't wait. This’s the one of my favourite cake in secret recipe after peanut butterscotch XD Marvellous and delicious. Non others words to say :]
10 June 2010
Misses much
♥ ♥ ♥
What the Hell !!
Now they seem to hate me. I don’t know what should i do. Tears roll down my cheeks. I pissed :’( Maybe it’s hard because they aren’t the one who raised me. Before this, I’m just heard story from somebody. After that, I’m deafening my ear and said ‘ bla bla bla ‘ . But yesterday, I FELT IT ! I don’t wanna tell their name. They are my closest. At least, I still have feelings of compassion and respect to them. How could you guys doing all of that to me. I AM HUMAN and I HAVE FEELINGS. Don’t you feel how I feel? This saddens me and stressed me out. Okay I know you don’t like me. But please, don’t treat me like this. I’m not stupid. I literally can’t write much about this case. I’m scare if someone would read this and know who is. I’m sorry I just had to get this out
04 June 2010
High Pressure

I had my last exam yesterday. Mathematics ! That wasn’t easy at all and yes this’s the tough subject. Paper one wasn’t difficult but the questions were too long and of course I need around 2hours to settled all of it. Unfortunately, when my teacher said ‘ okay 5minutes more ‘ , I’m still in question number 11. I couldn’t did anything. So, I left 9question behind. Oh suck. And yeah question in paper two were really tough as I thought ! My mind is blank at that time. By the way, I’ll waiting for my result after this school holiday. Now I’m having acute stress disorder plus I’m traumatic
OH ARGHHH. I don’t wanna flashback of those dreadful moment where I had to answer all the question without a clue
If only I could drop math :'(
02 June 2010
Dear Lord, Please hear my prayer ♥

Oh my god. Science paper 2 and history wasn’t easy as I think. This saddens me :’( What I read wasn’t came out in the paper. Seriously, I feel like dying when I open those science and history paper. I’m so pressured now. I’m thinking what I’ve done in the paper. Hey teacher, can I re-examination even it’s not eligible? Lol. I’m no longer in the happy mood and now I’m more to pathetic mood. I wanna go to sleep now :’( But before that, I wanna make a prayer first.
Please help me to make a miracle on the paper that I’ve done today. Science and History. I know, I’m not did the best on the paper. But at least, I’m try. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I’m just circle whatever I want in the paper. I’m so thankful if I’m not fail. So, please help me to get a mark. Amen
Should or shouldn't ?
Some people said examination should be abolished. Hah examination time can be a pretty scary at times. I have to admit. We couldn’t get enough sleep because of revising. It really take a time for all of us to understand and learn back at the time. For me, exam has its own benefits. It’s like a self-test. When the exam are coming, everyone started to read a book with the short amount of time. Today, i saw a funny case in my class. Everyone seems so crazy and fast to read a book when they know examination will be held around 5minutes more. HAHA. That’s really good. So I think now, examination shouldn’t be abolished. What you think? :]