Have you guys done all of the things for celebration tomorrow? Well I’ve done mine. All done even not fully. The baju is the most important thing. I wear purple and pink this year. Mix colors! How yours? But well, actually I have no feeling for Raya. Well well maybe I just boring :D
Thinking back of our childhood memories:
Everything is just good. Raya is nice! I can’t wait for Raya every year. Wear new things. New shoes, the food, the setting of the house, the Duit Raya! It comes in packets with the different design and colors. Wonderful! :’)
But well, as time goes by and as you grown older, everything gonna be different. Not gonna like the past. You can’t act like a kid where you easily cry for things. No, you can’t! Smile all the time. I just hope all the preparation and celebration turn out to be okay. If god willing. Amin!
My mom has done baking her kuih raya since the last week. Look so much excited isn’t it? Hahaha! But sadly, I didn’t managed to snap a photo of all the kuih raya. Anyway, today is our last fasting. Thanks ramadhan for treating us good. May you come again next year. There’s still loads of preparation that have yet to be done. So now..
To my families, my close friends, my Muslim readers and all the Muslim around the world
Maaf Zahir dan Batin
Maafkan segala kesalahan. Terkasar bahasa, terlanjur kata, tersalah tulis, termencarut or maybe terkutuk ke. Opsss! Hee :D
0-0 yeaaa? Tak baik dendam dendam :)
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