So let's talk about so called something something on 27 August. It was a couple of days ago. I had a lovely day out with my sister and cousin aiyn! Not so badddd. Even kaki kena gelek oleh stroller di Jalan TAR, even kaki melecet angkara berjalan terlalu banyak and even terpaksa berbuka dengan french fries and mineral bottle but still it was cool. Ngeh ngehh c(:
So here's the pic when i was in Tony Roma's. I tried not to drool over the pics. It's been ages since i had a nice meal out. Sangat lah mencabar segala saraf saraf perut di dalam badan ku -,- Thanks cousin for uploading this photos :)

Tony Roma's!
Mostly diorang punya main course is ala ala steaks kot :)

Our fabulous, delicious, marvellous dessert after makan. Haha how i wish i could eat that right now and for something that serve like these. Phewww :D

Salmon pasta ke nama dia? Haha whatever. Salmon dia was actually more tempting than pasta dia. Rasa macam ayam. Seriouslyyy :D

Looks delicious kan? Of course ah. Memang pun. Haha :D These were succulent. Selalu makan dry jer. Atas dia like ada sweet chili sauce. Yummyhhh :D

Makanan awesome, the bill must be awesome too! Receipt dia pun still simpan up until now. Rasa sayang nak buang even hanya sekeping kertas. Umppp :/

Kak Long :)
* Budak tak puasa. Asyik mintak nak minum je sepanjang jalan -,- *

My cousin!
Semuanya her treat dalam satu hari
Bill teksi, bill makan, everything
Haha thankiesss! Next time belanja lagi. Hahaha xD