01 March 2011

Quick post

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night, March :)

It's already March. So far, everything has been great. I've met somethin that changed my life and i've realize loads of things. Yeap in a different ways. I'm pretty much happy and hopefully everyone is too

I’m sorry I’m not gonna type good English here. Still learning, nak cepat, bla bla bla. So today, I’m gonna write about my so-called life in school this year. First, life in school is a freakin rollercoaster ride. Second, homework sangat berlambak. I can swear to god about it! Right now, I just finished writing essay and making some notes about the certain subject. I was like, okay just deal with it! Tomorrow is Wednesday. It’s a meeting day for all the club for sure. There’re hell loads of activities. Some are irrelevant. Well, it's school what do u expect right? I’m not gonna attending tomorrow. SURE! My 4E’s class isn’t bad. I got one big craziness family. They are unique people and not to mention crazy too! *Ahem siapa yg terbaca, jangan marah. LOL

“I keep forgetting to put focus on my to-do list. I keep forgetting to wander and have fun. I know I’m transparent but my insecurities are in all the right places, so go ahead, have a look ”

Till then, Bye :)

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