A friend is someone who is there to help you through a bad time in your day.
A friend is someone who is there to pick your heart up when it is tour apart for some reason.
A friend is someone you can tell all your secrets to.
A friend is someone you can share things with that you can not tell your parents about.
A friend is a very dear person in our lifes that can help you when you have a very bad cloudy day.
A friend is someone you can share your sad times in your life with.
A friend is someone you can turn to when you need a hug on a bad day.
A friend is someone you talk to about your relationship.
A friend is a very caring person .
A friend is someone who is the silver lining when the clouds are gray in your life.
A friend is someone who is there when you lose someone you love.
That’s what friends are for
"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine"
-Thomas Jefferson
P/s : Tak cukup korum lagi 3 orang. Cek eynn, nonie, ajuuuuu T___T
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