Today I still love you, More than I ever did

Promise is still promise. There’s no undo button for me. The only thing I know is, I still love you. No matter what, still. It’s hard to say I want to breakup. Hm it’s been almost 6months and still counting. You know what, you’re my long term babe. I told ya, you’re my 2nd long term and the 1st one is almost a year rite? Okay I admit, I was lying to you. I’m sorry love. I don’t want you to think that I often fail before this. But yes, I’m fail. What’s the matter with that? The longest is 2months before this. And now that you’re here, it’s 5months and a half. 8 more days to the anniversary day. My longest. Thanks god for that. Miracle! I hope it could be 1 year. I never knew I could get someone special as you. And I thought it just could be 2months or something. But now, hm
I’m very sensitive person, I cry easily, I’m very spoiled and have a childish attitude. You’re understanding, babe. One day, you’ll see that your understanding become very charming. But I do believe that inside every human have a childish attitude. They express in different ways. I’m sorry for what has happened yesterday and for the last 2days. Thanks babe for saying that you still love me. You will always be a part of my life. A happy memory, a good laugh, a tear or two.
For now, I don’t know how long we’ll go. All I know is, I love you so much. Thanks for always beside me no matter how good or bad situation is. May everything be blessed by god. Amin