What The Hell are you, my lovely prefeccctttt? Why you being so stupid today ! I just don’t know what happened. Thanks for make rash decision that so-called as ‘stupid’. Yeap, they were so stupid today. Wrote about me in penalty-box. Case is when one ‘pretty lady’ came to me. She check my nail and my scarf. Afterward, she wrote my nail in her notebook. ‘long nail’ ‘half scarf’ What The Fuck!!!! God,my nail wasn’t long. I cut it two days ago. I don’t know what their rules. Rather if I didn’t have a nail perhaps. Then about scarf. She check and said ‘ why you wearing half scarf?’ Half scarf??? are you didn’t have a eye to look???? Or you are blind?? I wearing full scarf. For god sake!! I told her more than twice. She said ‘ yes yes, I know. I didn’t wrote about you, just wrote’ okay but I saw something in your book, 0.0 that is my name. I told my mum, she said it’s okay. If teacher call your name, mention to me. I’ll go to your school indeed. So, I got 8 penalty today. I never forgive all of you….
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