First day school was torturing so much. I had been ill and affected by fever and shitting. I'm so weird among the youth. LOL. Stressful the whole time until I got fever and felt like wanna call daddy and back home. But I cancel my planned because daddy was fever at home. Whether I want or not, I have to sustain until 1pm. It’s quiet an okay for me though it’s harder. When teacher make a announcement that she wanna gave examination result, my stomachache more sick than before like a singer play their rock song. And I got fever all of sudden. I scream to myself but no one knows how pain me that day. Only god knows how and I pray every single second to hope that my pain only like these. May be it’s my fault because I attended to school though I know that I affected by shitting. I couldn’t do anything because I have to submit my assignment. Unfortunately, when I reach to school, teacher told me that she just want to discuss about examination paper only T.T
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