I expected about it earlier. At first, I hope my expected were wrong and hope it wouldn’t happened. So unfortunate that it happened today. I wasn’t shocked even just a lil bit. This case is the most famous case. Urm about people that always copy other’s answer easily. I think you are stupid and totally stupid. Why you’re not revising earlier? Why you’re not readin’ book? Ahhhh whateverlah. I always try to nottt nott nott thinking about this. But I can’t. I felt so unsatisfied when the teacher said that you did a good job. You got the best mark and other was failed. Can you felt how I felt at that time? My heart aching and I felt so angry. I wanna scream and said ‘ They copied answer to one another. Don’t judge. We did a good job, and studying consistently. Maybe this time wasn’t the time to got the best mark. So, the conclusion now is,
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