14 May 2011

Screw exam

I could be some crazy writer one day. Right now, I’m going through my mid-terms this week and shit, unpredictable it was not easy. NOT EASY AT ALL! Especially the one and only subject I hate the most. SEJARAH! Benci tiada tahap. Fucking afraid and afraid I might be fail the exam this term. I mean no way if I have to say goodbye. I have to leave my classmate and everything. Just if I fail

By the way, this is my first post for this month. Welcome March 2011! Be good to me pls. So many things have been happening in my life since March 2011 entered my life. 1st day of Marchh hari yang paling haram. And I am sure, the month of June also gonna be a bad month. Why? Kinda personal. I just haven't found the will to write again. No stories, No joke, Those ever so personal things that come from my very soul. Nothing, whatsoever. Anyways, Thank you for following me. I'll be back whenever

P/s : Another 8 more days to go
Mood : Empty

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