I'm back for good! Haha bajet pegi mana je ni.
Not too late to wish you. Happy New Year! Your resolution is? Kalau resolusi yg lalu masih tak tertunai, takyah buat resolusi baru lagi yer. LOL
I miss you, blog. Thought after I’ve finished school, I’m gonna sit here like there’s no tomorrow. Sharing stories, experiences. Well everything is going good so far. How are you doing? I’m doing good. 2013 is finally here with us. Thanks Allah. Satu-satu nya my 2013 resolution is find a new job! Yes NEW job. My previous job has been good yet bad too. I learnt to interact with people especially Arabian and niggas. I’ve been at Popeyes for 7 days only. Too bad :( One of their manager is so strict… fussy ofcourse. Not that tak boleh tahan dengan dia. Tell me, kerja apa yg tak penat? For sure, if your going to another company, there’s must have somebody yg strict and fussy too. I know that. Ada masalah lain. It’s okay lar. Redha ;)
School has started 3 days ago. I’m here watching em’ going to school. How time flies. Selalu pukul 5.45am dah bangun, mandi, solat. 6.45 TEPAT dah turun! Haha carrying my heavy bag, balik je tak sempat bukak baju lagi terbaring macam dugong dah. If I get the chance to go back to school, for sure I don't wanna go back to that day. Why? No I don’t want *cute reasons*. Talking about job. I have a story to share. Yesterday I went to The Mines. Merayau je then ternampak vacancy dekat kedai jual kids punya baju, bag etc. Masuk and asked em’ if still ada job. Chinese ni pandang tak puas hati. She said, you pakai tudung ke? LOL. This is funny. Habis atas kepala tu apa? Topi? Hahaha. I said yes. She said, if you tak pakai tudung boleh la. Or you bukak ke. If you bukak, for sure you’ll get this job. If you don’t want, I’m sorry. Hello. Lemme know what are you really selling?! Kids dress, bags. Everything is for kids. I know nowadays punya kerja banyak yg nak kena bukak tudung. Trying several times to find a job, tak pernah kena lagi. Even boutique yg ada owner Chinese doesn’t care how we wear. Real funny!
Life is so stressing now. Bajet dah jadi penganggur 2 3 tahun. Baru 2 weeks. How can I get the money if i only stayed at home and doing nothing? I’m not rich kid :( Rasa macam desperate nak duit. One of the reason is, ayah can’t give me money anymore. Nasib budak dah tak sekolah, only ‘job’ can help you to get money. Buy everything I want, shopping like there’s no tomorrow. Hahaha bear with me guys! Since I’ve finished school, no more school entry anymore. Jobby baby dearie myapplepie pumpkin darling, come to me yea? I want you.