21 April 2012


Mid term examination? --> Second test of examination? --> Trial SPM? --> SPM?

Why do I have to face all of this above? To tell you the truth, I already give up with studies now. Especially, in maths. I hate numbers as I told you guys before. No matter how many times I’m trying to like the numbers, I’ll give up at the end. I don’t know what will happen with my result sooner.

Can I give up now? Can I just say no to examination and studies? Can I just be an irresponsible ass and run away? Can I not face this world till I'm ready? When will I ever be ready? How would you know when you are ready? I dont. I honestly dont. But one thing's for sure: Not NOW!

Sport Science's activiti ( Rentas Halangan )

How was your day dear participants? What did you expect about this 'Rentas Halangan' before you started joined this? Fun is it? Haha! Don't mad. Look at the tittle 'Rentas Halangan'. No bullying. Adat lah dengan nama dan aktiviti yang lasak!

Station 4 : Spider Web! 
Station 5 is my station! Apa entah nama dia. Lupa. Hahaha! Ingat senang ke nak buat ni? Yang mencacak kayu dan pasang tali ni bukan keje orang perempuan. Keje kami ni letak dedaun yang seghupa petai tu je. Haha ingat senang jgk eh? Berhempas pulas selama beberapa jam setelah hujan mulai reda dengan gaya seperti pesawah atau mungkin juga boleh dipanggil sebagai pekebun, kami sanggup terjun *turun je sebenar nya* ke dalam air semata mata nak letak daun. Air tinggi ah ingat rendah? Gambar tuh time air dah kering keesokan hari nya! :p
Station 8 kot : Kena pusing 10 kali then tendang bola masuk gol. Kalau tak gol, pusing lagi 4 kali. Sampai pengsan!
Hehe tak rasa comel ke gambar ni? :p

P/s: Bukan aktiviti ni je yang ada. Banyak lagi. Just tak larat nak lari station by station ambik gambar. Dapat tunjuk station 4, 5 and 8 je. Sorrayyyyh
Setelah tamat nya aktiviti ni, kami sebagai penjaga dan peng'handle' aktiviti ni, kami harusss...................
Jeng jeng jeng!

Macam buruh binaan dah tengok diorang ni. Mana saya? Tengah buat dajal ambik gambar ni. Haha tapi comeeel. Lelaki semua dah pupus jadi tugas ini terletak di bahu kami 'Kaum Hawa' -.-"

Banyak lagi gambar. Takkan 178 photos nak show kat sini kot? Ok dah bye!

Aku kata...

Aku kata “astaghfirullah” tapi hati masih gemar akan maksiat.
Aku kata “wa atubu ilaih” tapi jasad masih melakukan dosa sama.
Aku kata “wa nadimna ya Allah” tapi kesilapan lalu masih kuulangi.

Aku kata “subhanallah” tapi aku tidak mampu menghayatinya.
Aku kata “alhamdulillah” tapi aku masih tidak bersyukur dengan kurniaanNya.
Aku kata “Allahuakbar” tapi cintaku lebih kepada dunia.

Aku kata “ma fi qalbi ghairullah” tapi masih ada ruang di hatiku untuk insan yang tidak halal.
Aku kata “aku tak layak ke syurga, tapi aku tak sanggup ke nerakaMu” namun aku hidup di dunia seakan-akan aku kuat untuk rasa pedih api neraka.

Aku kata aku ingin mendekatiMu,
Namun amalku tak seiring dengan kata-kataku.

Aku malu dengan sepasang mata kurniaanMu ini,
Kerana air mata yang mengalir seakan-akan sia-sia.
Aku malu dengan tangan yang sudah lelah mengelap air mata,
Kerana tingkah laku pemiliknya ini tidak menggambarkan aku kesal.
Bahkan aku malu dengan sang burung yang berkicau,
Kerana aku insan yang dinodai dosa..
Sedang sang burung tidak disentuh walau sekelumit dosa

13 April 2012

Friend Requests? Denied.

*Not to be berlagak. For your information, i've been collecting this amount of friend request since i first started joined my Facebook about a year ago. They're still pending*

Thousand of names in my friend request. Those with weird names like : Mas joko, mas ganteng, anje chumel, amoi somodh. Who the hell are you? Have you been thinking for twice or even thrice before you wanted to add me? Are you guys expecting I’m gonna approve you guys with weird names and no Profile Picture at all? Sorry for the others too. Just like what I’ve said, I only add people I know. But you keep sending me friend request without read my description first. Or maybe, it’s all because of this sucks Timeline and it’s hard to show my description. Perhaps. Note to ya, how can I approve you on Facebook if I don’t even know you? With only 1 mutual friend and sometimes none? Like serious? J

I used to approve random friend requests back then. Especially in my First Account. My purposed is I wanted to have loads of friends so that my friend list would be reach to 5++++. And if you guys clicked to ‘Add as a Friend’, it would be ‘Sorry this profile has loads of request’. Kinda that. I’m stupid, typical facebook-ers and I KNOW IT! -.-“ Right now, if I have random friend requests, I would simply ignore and sometimes I just hit that ‘Not Now’ button. Even if we have 3254664 mutual friends, if I don’t know you, I would not approve you easily as that. Simple right? My second account have about 635 friends and I know em’ all. I mean, not really know in my real life, but at least I know their name and we sometimes met. They are my schoolmate, my relatives, some others are the people I accidentally met somewhere *can’t remember who and when*.