16 December 2011


Words aren’t enough to explain what family means to me.

I just can’t put it into words. I was looking through a photos of my family. I realized how the years have changed us all in so many ways. For some things, I remembered still of all the things we shared. Especially when everybody was still a kids. An innocent young kids. Remembering the good times of childhood, spending time with one another has always been an integral part with family. But as time goes by, and as we grown up, there’s no such thing like ‘together’ again. Everybody is so busy with their studies and job. I wish them to have right beside me everyday is hard. Oh well nothing you can do with that. I found this on someone’s blog.

‘The thought of family was the best thought in the world’

Really? We’ve been through a lot in life and I’ve been through emotional journey in these few days. I stumble to find the words right now. Please bear with me. I believe that every family is going to have problem. Who doesn’t? You? Oh biggest lie! Somebody told me that, issues are not always a bad thing. Only a small burden you have to go through. Problem, burden, obstacle make us strong and stronger. For one day, I know things will be different. I can still smile all the time, laugh, share fun times

Nothing ever happened

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