As u can see, my entry 12 October to 22 October. It means that I haven’t blogged for like 10days. Wohoo i just forgot about it plus i have no idea what to write. There’s no new story recently. Everything is boring for sure. Ops VERYY ! Actually, I always thought about blog but then I end up with pshhhhh malas lah. Tomorrow I still got time for it. Haha.
Okay 10days isn’t a long time. But LOADSSS of things had happened to me and….. bla bla over that period. Too many events to write down here. I just feel like not really rajin to list down everything. Now, I just can’t wait for the holidays to come on 12 November. 1 month and a half. But I’m still in October right now. Nvm run for another month. Non-stop running !! JYEAH XD School is fuggin boring and annoying this October. Since the exam has been finish, the teachers organize various activity/events for PMR graduate student. Everything seemed to be crazy but I don’t deny, there’re still have some interesting activity to do. Just like my ‘ Sandwich Making Competition ‘ yesterday. Hahaha hell yeah quite fun activity. I enjoy making it. My heart sing. Oh lala ~
Allright till then. I've done writing. Time for makan and Facebook back. Night xx